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Available in Kindle and Paperback

Series: Karina's Journey, book 2

Adjusting to life in the small town of Queen creek, Arizona is not a problem for Karina Murberry. As a matter of fact, things couldn’t be better. She has a wonderful family, (Including her new-found father). An awesome bestie, and even a hot boyfriend. But things are about to change, and this time, not for the good.
When Aunt Kari gets the dreaded phone call that Karina’s mother has been released 
from jail, all at once, the trouble begins. Joseph begins acting peculiar and Karina has no 
idea where they stand anymore. 

James begins acting out in his own way. Between smoking, drinking and cheating on Amy, 
life begin to shift dangerously out of control. And when a fire breaks out at the school, will 
James be the one to blame? 

When Karina finds out the deadly secret about her mother, things will never be the same 
for her or her family. Join Karina as she struggles with forgiveness, friendships, family secrets and 

When life goes “From Good to bad.” 

Next Book in the Series

A Few Thoughts From Readers

"Karinas life seems to be on course to a ‘normal’ teenage experience. Life can twist on a dime & her story is constantly changing. She has found faith & love in Christ. She is learning He is her constant companion.." --2soon2no
"Wow! Now I can breathe again, lol. Things definitely went from good to bad! I'm glad that God is good no matter what.." -- Kelly Wickham

A very amazing story about a teenage girl and a family she never knew she had and the way God work transforms her life.

5-Star Amazon Review

...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
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