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Series: Karina's Journey, book 3

After a summer of counselling to accept the loss of her mother, Karina is ready to get back to school and her friends. But just when she thought things would get better…she was wrong. When Josie Mendez shows up at school, Karina’s life spins out of control. As she stares face to face with a three year old rumor, Will she be ready to deal with the truth of her boyfriend’s past? Can their relationship survive? And then... A mysterious illness, An unexplained accident, and a drug set-up. And to top it all off, letters arrive in the mail from none other than the man she helped put away. Easy Money. Will Karina be able to hold it together as her world falls apart? Find out in the final book. From Lies to Truth.

From Lies

Available in Kindle and Paperback

A Few Thoughts From Readers

"I  read all 3 books, they were so good I couldn't put it down, and didn't want it to end.." --Sandy Ulrich
"Wow!!! This series has been so crazy but good! I now understand why the series ends there, but can’t wait to read other stories that will have characters from this series. . ."
              -- Kelly Wickham
...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
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